Sunday, August 10, 2008

Music Maestro and the Garden Variety Crack

STARTING a blog is like starting anything else. I could cliche' the shit out of it all day - let it rip, get some, hit the ground running, head first, fake it till you make it, just do it... so to cut short any attempt at an epic beginning, I'm just going to start with the meat of the weekend and take a gander at this blog.

NIGHT OF THE GUITAR starts out in fine style with starring in to the refrigerator to see what kind of app my talented chef of a roommate and I can come up with that will satisfy a long night of Carona Lights (the only light beer that's a Carona) and white wine and dueling guee-tars. To get right down to it, the fresh halibut, mamma's garden tomatoes and 409 porch basil set off with fresh mozza was f'n crip and is just the tip of a Utopian evening at the red house.

We moved the venue to the back porch by Mel's house and after a killer ipod set from Sly and the Family Stone - if you don't know, you best get in the know - King Eric and Max tuned-up their axes and starting picking out killer jams under a starry lit night. Around Chardonnay bottle #4 Mel and I started stretching our vocal chords to the grooves that Page and Plant were laying down. Like Gum On My Shoe is a little # we came up with. We'll try for some footage at the next show.
King Eric - a Dr. on the Axe and Max, jammin' with the groove, eyes closed for emotional impact.

Well, we kept comfy all night long and eventually lined up a late night bruschetta dive into the planters, refrigerator and other sources to drum up the goods one last time before crashing on the couch to TEAM USA wooping dat ass in Beijing - smogville. That shit ain't mist or whatever you choose to call it over there.

Fast forward to the current day, what started as a nice bike ride through town turned into a Tour de Campbell and a trip to the farmer's market over there. Blazing hot, we found some drink and made our way through the glorious fruits, vegetables, olive oils and breads that toyed with my pudgy belly. Advice Tip#1 - No need to eat before you go to the farmer's market in Campbell, you will be full off the top notch samples these vendors come up with. Like this guy, TheHummusGuy. Great story about being the best hummus in the world and famous in LA and wanting to expand his Hummus Kingdom to NorCal. Well, the ladies dug on this Greek and his Prada glasses and wanted to sample him some more... This was my favorite look to the flock he was currently working. The eye contact is redic. True to form the hummus was amazing.

they all want my hummus.

Just to the side of Don Juan de Hummus was the dirtiest Broccali Farmer this side of the Santa Cruz Mtns. It's one thing to let it hang in your garden when harvesting but Garden Crack needs to stay in the garden.
So...we rocked it back to Los Gatos, LG from here on out, best line of the day was caught on vid, really just explains the simplicity of the Sunday. I'll let Max take it from here. "Having Fun Max?"

...i bet you are Panama Red.*

*attributed to LD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brass i love u for this