Sunday, August 24, 2008

Boats, Booz, Babes, Baunach

What a weekend, and damn-it-all if I didn't have a knee shaken good time. Unfortunately, I broke my camera taking pics with people I really wasn't all that excited about snapping killer shots with. Mid-photo shoot, wouldn't you know, the picture box falls off the tv from the thumping bass beats in the house and crash!! ...done son.

So I leave it to the writing to carry this one. We'll get to last Thursday and making out with a fish when I'm able to get the pictures up, but in the meantime we can blast through the weekend's activity sheet.

Friday was supposed to be a walk in the park. There turned out to be some good crack down at Joe's Northend on the patio, and George and JoAnne came through with the music cranking on the veranda. Mel, Baunach and I rocked it olds school while Johnny Blaze was in town for a brief stay - he's been squatting in a shanty in Boston crushing life for a while and it was good to have the legend back in the game. So laughter, glee, flirts, and blue moon's were abundant and someone, I think me, said dance party...and off we went to the 409 for some good time. Us JB's had to stop at "the shittiest Safeway in the world" for some libation juice when upon my shoulder I felt such rattle, and I turned to my right, to see what was a matter. When out of my eye there comes a big douchebag asshole who feels he should buy his booze before me. So we talked for a while, you know, about politics, the economy, our families, and the fact that he is really a girl, and then we parted ways with words of grace closure spewing from both parties...and to the dancefloor.

It was a hoot. I had already pulled a quad Thursday night but the dancefloor was red hot - I think a couple girls even kissed each other a little bit. Well we tow' it up all night long and the night ended how it started - Mel and I kickin' it real on the 409 stoop. Started to get bright, so we shimmied through the last half of Meridian Chardonnay and hit the sack for the morning.
I didn't really complete a thought until Sunday about noon, and when I did it was good. I had a great one - Go to the lake and swim ...amazing. It's so simple.

Alright, I managed to make it not so simple and got some buddies out there to Anderson just to have Ranger Rick's son tell me I needed a boat registration to play - it was the first real time in my life I thought about bribing someone. Well, I didn't and left gracefully thanking the young lad for his help.

We ended up just slugging a few budweiser and tecate bottles shoreside and the ipod was music to my ears - obvi. The day was not lost and the glass half full says that I got to have a couple beers that I wouldn't had been able to enjoy had I launched the boat and had to drive, so I had that going for me.(How many times did I just say 'had'? Stupid writing) Bottomline, we had fun and will try to squeeze out as many of these lake trips (preferebly with getting in the water) as I can until weather puts a damper on my parade.

I'm going to squander this right here and leave saying the Olympics were off the hinges awesome this year - good job and good-bye atheletes of the world. Beijing did an impressive job to make us forget about Tibet, no freedom of speech and an economy with 50% + make less that 2 dolla a day. But they can throw one hell of a party and build some pretty amazing structures, soooo....yea, no further comment.
Since I got no pics for the post I am just going to find a random picture on the drive and see what happens.

Somewhere in a cave in the swiss alps.

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