Friday, August 15, 2008

The Legends Tour

Hola, y que tal, tios y tias! It's been a good week. Glad it's the weekend. Wonderful to be writing to you today. With a trip to Hawaii looming for Halloween, I've been trying to work on the golf game to gear up for Kapalua, Ka'anapoli and with luck, Maui CC. I've been trying to get to the range after work to get the long irons straightened out and hit those 200+ par 3's for a better chance at par. Well, yesterday afternoon, I was crushing little white rockets off the mats at Santa Clara Golf and Tennis Center when an instructor named Jack stuck his nose in my business.

"How ya' hittin'?"

I tells the ol' guy, "Great, just pushing the long irons a bit to the right."

This wasn't meant as an invitation to help me out, but he took it that way and I kindly accepted the advice to see where this would go - little side note, I've never had a professional lesson and don't really think I need one. The only guy I trust with my swing besides myself is James David Ross. You can find him Monday afternoons and Jo's Northend in Los Gatos collecting his winnings.
And there we were, Jack's got me moving my chin all around, taking my eye off the ball, slicing chili-dippers into the ground and 110% frustrated with these new changes.

Then to prove his point about head movement he shows me a couple swings. First Annika Sorenstam's swing - best female golfer the blue planet has ever beared witness to. Second, we watched Jack 'Golden Bear' Nicklaus off the tee. Both move their heads all over the place. But it's not for me. I like Tiger.

Jack showing me Annika and Jack N's swings side by side on the monitor and me not getting it.

I just wanted to check out his technology he had to help golfers that he was completely failing at, and to check out the gear he had patents on to help golfers get better(really?). I had all but stopped paying attention at this point to Jack's dramatic rants to snap a few photos of the gent.

Well, what seemed like a year later we were on a story of him following Arnold Palmer around for th 16, 17, and 18 at Augusta National - like he was some boy wonder golfer from a Bagger Vance movie.

If you're wondering where the good part to this guy is, it's right here. The game of golf is different for all and no two swings are alike. I love the game of golf and I love the purests. The men and women that eat, breathe, sleep golf their live-long lifes. Jack the instructor is one of these guys. When I asked for this picture he insisted that he remove his hat, Arnold Palmer would always remove his hat, Jack says.

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