Sunday, August 17, 2008

Taking It To The Next Level

One should always be progressing. If your not, you're either stale or digressing. So I took my lesson with Jack on the road to Peacock Gap up in San Rafael this weekend with my cohorts from the CITY in tricks, wisecracks, corona and golf.

Place is beautiful. I'm sure some of that was the optimal conditions and the appearance of Conor Kelly at the final hour...I should have lifted the seat and fixed the governor with a golf tee to grab CK out of the parking lot. It would have helped me get to a better time quicker. Well the good time wasn't that far off and right out the gate we poured on the wisecracks, tricks and foolery.

Conor and I roll up on the first tee where Luke is enlightening an asshole standing on our box that it's our tee box and to go kick rocks in the parking lot...GFY guy in the red shirt... all this while Lionel Richie's All Night Long pumped out of our golf cart. It was a fun scene to the play.
Started off medium and warmed up for a +4 on the front nine.

Well the Marin jerks continued to pester us all over the course and soon we have the beginning of act two. We're a strong foursome with solid golfers all the way around - Nic Seegs, Lucas H and the Kelly. A twosome of Judge Smails' son and his escort would like to say a few welcoming words to us from Marin. This jerk, from standing in a bunker starring at an 8 foot face says, "Hey you guys mind if we play through?"

"Sure, man. No problem"

"Yea, because you guys are playing crazy slow." This nerd said crazy slow - tried to be impressive with something cool and it came out retarded.

Well it was open season on the jokes for these two spoon fed 30 year-olds and we let it rip. This guy got a GFY comment out of someone, and a few hurry up and get the hell out of the ways. The assmunch goes for the tips and ducks one so far left we had to laugh directly in his face and compliment his well played shot. I believe the message was loud and clear. Those two dorks should prolly find red shirt guy and beat it.

Well, besides some solid, back-to-back, 50 foot puts by Luke and some other shots I can't remember, I shot 7 over on the back 9 with putting two balls in water so I was pleased with the 82 11-over.
Lukedog talking in some one's back swing, imagine that. But still somehow making it look good.

Much fun had and a big thanks to Lionel, Skynard, Sue Jorge, Keller Williams and the rest. Then parted ways with big smiles and big impressions. I mean to brag here and the four of us may not beat another four on the course, but we bust the fun meter while they drag the bottom. Good talk, we'll see ya' out there. True story.

Can this course look any better. answer: No. Not with Marin folk.

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