Monday, November 24, 2008

Let Loose on the Now

Oh yea. I forgot. I blog. My new unfavorite term that I am unexcited about and somewhat unprepared to handle is 'economic down turn'. This shit phrase in: talking to friends, dinner with my parents, the old ladies at the gas station, at work and that I use as a way to position the air that I sell at work has taken over. What a downer.

So we need some good 'ol hell-bent episodes of life to keep the home fires burnin'. And what better to start with the infamous silver screen hero, James Bond 007.

Last weekend Big Blue, and I were not working extremely hard...but only for a few minutes...and we too a little extra time, an hour, to buy some tix for opening night showing of Quantum of Solace. I thought it was a great theater movie. Shoot 'em up, bang-bang flick with fast women and luxurious parties. I think I liked it better than Casino Royal, but then again, I can't really remember how that movie goes, so for now, Quantum of Solace is better.

After the movie we headed over to Santana Row, destination Rosy McCann's. I was wearing shorts and a hat which apparently the heavy-set bouncer didn't want in the pub...but it wasn't up to him. We got Ryan from behind the bar to tell the manager to wave his wand and shizam! We were in the IRISH PUB that apparently doesn't allow shorts and hats. Only in America. It was a slammin' evenin' and Ryan poured for hours while we held down the elbow at the pub. Good times, good girls and we were rollin'.

The next night was just us ham 'n eggin' it. The same tender trio had a fight to attend. UFC Ninety something featured Brock Lesner challengin Randy Coulture - to some of the fight wasn't really the champion of anything and Brock looked like a upright walking bull.

We acted the sweet moves out and jumped around like we were Napolean fighting Kipp and proceded to consume beer quicker and easier as the fights went on and the fuel we chose was Taco Bell bean burritos and ToGo's sandwiches. Extra good. My Cuz and Uncle were nice enough to host the fight at the winery house which made it that much sweeter.

Brandon got a wild hair and we headed down to the winery about 11 o'clock to see what was shakin' in the barrels. There seemed to be a lot shaking because I did everything short of swim in a barrel and tasted some amazing juice of the gods. They put in a new surround sound system and seating and we got weird for a few hours on pinot and burritos, willie nelson and hall & oates. There is nothing like a good cigarette, a lucious glass of pinot on a backdrop of the moon, stars and monterey lights glistening in the distance.

It's nice to get out and see my cousin Brandon surrounded by his harvest. It gets sweeter when he drops little pearls of viticulture on us while we fuddle ourselves with the finest pinot.

The state of our union is pressing fear on our minds, but we can always find some hidden wonders amidst our tough times if we allow ourselves to build and explore our current relationships. To better understand who is around, appreciate what we have and come together.

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