Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Canyon Behind Them

Last night I was swept away to a house in the Los Gatos Hills located on the backside of Kennedy with a beautiful view of blossom and Almaden Valley. The Spanish style house was comfy from the entry way to the back patio and the people inside warmed it up with some homemade lasagna, wine and some stereotyping in good humor.

The property is Susanne's and she is a peach. She's been in Los Gatos too long to pull the roots out now and her hospitality is pure and pleasant...but I'm getting ahead of myself. We're not even in her house!

This Spanish
place we were in belonged to Nanette, a neat lady with plenty of dogs, cheer, space, horses, and a donkey named Mr. Bigg. Max and Kim invited the 409ers up to Nanettes, but soon after the 10 bottles of Chardonnay had been rung out, we headed up to Susanne's compound which resembles falling down the rabbit hole.

We tasted
a few more bottles of wine, lit up some xmas lights and wore them, and Susanne' and Melissa put on a pseudo-SNL skit in the kitchen critiquing the Los Gatos Weekly and the gentry that grace its pages.

Max and I
were on a different stomp and headed out to his soon-to-be complete cottage overlooking a beautiful canyon lined with the stars of Orion, a nearly full-moon sporting a rainbow orb and the spackled stars down in the AV. We brought the drums out to his patio, got a little comfy, and jammed the drums to the rhythm in our minds. Max plays some next level shit and I just try to keep up. But we soon had the ladies out on the patio dancing under the dark sky and keeping with life's beat.

You may not
remember but I broke my camera about a month ago and am limited to the shit camera on my blackberry. I didn't get anything to come out up there and prolly don't want any pics of the shenanigans in the house, but the words will suffice for this night.

So we're invited
back next week and I believe there is some sort of Chimenea planned. I think that is LG Commune language for outdoor fire.

There are some gems
I respectfully withhold about this little community that are for those that may be so lucky to pay a visit to this wonderland. But I can tell you that you've never seen shit like this before and the calming serenity of the joint sticks to your soul and offers up a piece of it you rarely get to touch.

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