Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just a little FYI...

One of the local favorites has a gem on the menu, but it won't last long, so get out there and get ya some of this good eats. I have never actually eaten at James Randall a.k.a. 'The Thumb', but I've had my hands on a few goodies from time to time that Ross cooks up for the townies that hang out on the promenade of CB's.
For a short time, I regret to inform you foo foo eaters that the tempura rolls are not available at The Thumb. That's because of Ross' pimpy move to put fried chicken on the menu. That's right! Out with the foo foo, in with the down home cookin'. Now I've been around some rippin' good fried chicken and I'm not talking about that mystery meat at KFC that makes you question your medical health within seconds of consumption. I'm talking about Grandma Bessie's good 'ol family dinners on the ranch.
I have to say that Grandma's is the best, but Ross had taken fried chicken to new heights. I fell in love with chicken the night he brought a couple samples over to the bar for us to drool over. And drool I did. I tore into the scrumcious thigh like a savage during a winter hunt (meaning starved and not that much around). I mean, golden brown, seasoned just right and fried in low heat = heavenly. I will be down there shortly to indulge myself and take advantage of this piece of americana while it's around.

You should try some. Like this girl...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man that chicken looks jucy!!! Charlie Murphy