Monday, October 13, 2008

TooLarry's House

Spurt of the moment. Fly by the seat of the pants weekend spent in the valley. The San Joaquin Valley that is. After a night of wine and some mash up conversation at CB's. Mel and I got caught up on the back patio talking about racing. Someone at the bar brought up a cousin of mine who I hadn't spoken with a quite some time.

I rang Darin
a text telling him I hope it was all tranquilo and to say hello to everyone. Darin hit me back with, 'Tell them yourselves. They'll be in Tulare this weekend racing!" That was enough for me to head down to Jason's ranch for the night and kick it in Chad's pits and watch him tear it up on the oval.

I got into work about 530 am Friday morning and had to high tail it out of there to the uh, the uh, well... I had an emergency dentist Cinnabar Hills Golf Course. Thanks for the great time Grant - Fairways and Greens!

Well, jumped in the car at 7 with Mel and we headed down south. To her knowledge, Mel thought we were headed just down the road a piece. 300 miles later and 3 1/2 hours. We showed up at the ranch with 3 bottles of Chardonnay and a long night ahead of us. All in all it was a good night. That 3rd bottle was totally unnecessary, but we did it anyways and paid for it in the AM.

We got to the TULARE County Fair Grounds around 1130 after we dropped Jason off at his bike and then we all drove to the race to meet Chad and Jared. I hadn't seen either of them in what seems like forever and A) Great to see them B) Chad was racing and took 3rd overall C) Aunt Connie and Sarah showed up and we had a Brassfield cheering section for Chad D) Jared cooked up the bbq in a smoker. Tri-Tip and Beef Ribs that melted in your mouth after their four hour cooktime.

Chad blasted around the track and was posting some of the fastest laps. There was some a-hole, the #11, that was driving like a complete douchebag and all the drivers let him have it. He knocked Chad out of the race to the back of the pack during heat 2 and under caution about 3 other drivers when up and bumped the guy. Another driver bumped him all the way off the track after the checkered flag. It was comedy, the 11 got reemed by all the drivers after the race. "Cut that driving out or you're going to get killed." That was my favorite line. To his credit the DB showed up in our pits and apologized to Chad. Good on you man.

As fast as we got down there we were back on the road to the 409 and tired as a mudafuca. I'm sad to say that I met my neighbor. No, not the regular ones - they will never talk to me. But there is a new neighbor moving in right next door. She said that one Saturday night she peeked out her window at about 3 am and fearfully spoke in her thick Irish tone, "Oh I could see smoke coming off the house and it looked like the devil was dancing." I'm not sure how accurate of pictorial she had, but I'm going to say she wasn't that far off. Maybe we can give her a little break coming up. We'll see how that goes.

Thumbs up Chad. Good drivin'!

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