Friday, October 24, 2008

Red Bull Gives You Wings and a Damn Good Time

D Dresti really came through big last weekend. It wasn't that he hooked up a shuttle from Santa Clara to San Fran. It wasn't that we were rollin' to the Red Bull Soap Box derby. No no - it was the sticky sweet hotel room at the Nikko for the weekend and the VIP treatment I got for impersenating an NC Boardshop rep.

Yea, that's right. I think they call that baller. So I was ballin' last weekend in the cit and Red Bull picked up the bill. How ya' like me now! I really didn't know what I was getting myself into, but the letters V-I-P together sound like something that I am in to. Sandi was in the city too, so it was just another hot item to the weekend and a strong reason to head up there.

So I jetted out of work and headed up to the city on the 280 - one of my favorite drives in Cali. 101 is a dump. So I hustled up there and pulled into the valet. I strolled into the hotel with some cuty Red Bull reps behind me wearing there Juicy valure jogging suits a did up with their fake tans, big hair and bigger sunglasses.

Went to the coutner, showed my ID..."Ah, Mr. Brassfield, we've been expecting you and I believe we have a package for you." Man! did I feel important. I was definitely putting on the cool swagger for the ladies in the room and I think I even took my crackberry out and pushed a few buttons like I had some important message when really I just moved the cursor around a few icons and checked the time. But I bet I looked really good. No, I know I did.

The room was nice, a smoking floor which worked out okay for the late night crawls back to the room. I got ready, tried on some hats and different shirts and got the call from Donovan. The plan was a private Red Bull party on the balcony at Ruby Skye, but he was running a little late to the joint. No problem. Sandi was down at Utah's and there was a killer band playing. It was good to see the Venice Girl and catch up a little on all her celeb neighbors and the fabulous life that is Sandi's. WESC all the way!

I walked my ass back up to Ruby Skye and it was pushing midnight. I told the door man I was with Red Bull and he didn't believe me. Seconds later Donovan appears at the door surrounded by attractive girls that couldn't wait to escort me into the club.

"You must be Brassy, hehehehe. Come with us." So my quick visit to heaven was packed with Grey Goose, Red Bull, some wicked dance moves and of course a bunch of Red Bull. The Red Bull girls were icing on the cake. So gitty and friendly and high on Red Bull, it was a perfect Friday. As trashed as I was, I managed to get a SF local back to the hotel...then I must have said something stupid and she realized she had no idea who I was and took off. I didn't want to share my room service with her anyways.

The next day was the big derby in Dolores Park. I was still VIPn' it and rolled downstairs to catch the shuttle to the park. 100 thousand heads packed the park and the street to watch these crazies race down a hill in there goofy cars they made. The VIP tent was no so VIP - more like vaguely important people's area, but there was free food, free water and free ice for my cocktails that JP, Nicole and I purchased at the liquor store.

Met up the MJ and Luke-dog and we kicked it real with some vodka OJ, menthols and sun everywhere. Late October and it's 75 and sunny in SF. wtf.

We hustled back to JP's house in China Basin to hang and get some dinner. His house is amazing. The views are incredible and he could give a more accurate weather report that channel 4. The place is dialed to the 9's and he doesn't even have to go outside to get to Safeway. It was good to see JP. Miss him as a neighbor.

The all day drinking didn't really get to me until we got to 1015 Folsom that night for a private Red Bull party. More Grey Goose and Red Bull waited for us upstairs and the Red Bull girls dumped a handfull of drink tickets in my pocket and off I was.

Donovan and I turned into Cuban club owners for the night and acted like the place was ours.

"Tell me, huh. Whatchoo tink uv my club uh? Nice huh? You like girls? drink? I do it for you, huh?"

The dancing never stopped. The fun never gave out. And I gained huge respect for how Red Bull runs there gigs. Loved the weekend and was completely drained, sore and a huge smile plastered on my face Sunday morning. A VIP weekend set me back less that $200 bucks and half that was in fricken parking at the hotel. Next time I'll park across the street for $20 bucks. Jeez.

I gots to run, but I'll get some pics up in here tomorrow. Holla at it.

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