Friday, October 10, 2008

Tahoe Express

Had to put the pic in from Edgewood. This was an unbelievably good time with the ChuckDad and my Brother.

So just to catch up on a few things. It's been busy fun for a few weeks. Tahoe with the fam was amazing. Father, #1 and #2 got out to Edgewood for a great round of golf. Well, it sucked for the first three holes since the greens are slicker than a banana peel and then the whiskey took over and things calmed down. Trully didn't hit a clean shot all day and if I did, it went in the drink. Oh well, the 19th hole was a hoot and we made it back to the hotel in time to celebrate Kaycee's birthday.

We got the hats on and the noise-makers out and had a barrell of laughs for Kaycee's birthday. Just a quick story for you all - Now most of you know my background and of the ranch. Kaycee was born on the ranch and she can pop-a-squat in a barn as good as any. Well now, she started school and the potty-training lessons aquired around the ranch don't seem to transfer over too well to the playground. Apparently it is frowned upon to drop trou by the swing set and let it go. When the teacher informed Kaycee that this was not appropriate behavior, she smiled, said, "okay, no problem," and ran back to play with the other booger noses.

Back to Tahoe. We had a good time celebrating and then Jason and I tore out to the pool table to see if we couldn't beat on some locals heads. And beat we did. I was hotter than a two dollar pistol in a bar full of cheaters. Couldn't stop the game. Some yocal that had a nose busted up so bad that his glasses wedged into his bridge wanted to play me and get in my face about pool. The bets were on and this guy got his clock cleaned and nearly his bell rung, but what do you tell a guy that's already been told a few times with someone else's fist? Just let them ramble, take their money, and head upstairs for the loud music.

Later on that night around 2 am, I found the blackjack table at Harrah's. It was hot, I was drunk and had a full pack of smokes. We call this, The Perfect Storm. Again as in pool, I was hot. Hustled up about 850 bucks over 4 dealers and then came Broomhilda. This broad looked the part of the Cooler.

She waddles her fatty up to the helm, looked at me and said, "You should take your chips and go." Well once again, me being me, that's not going to happen and I'll bet bigger to prove to her that I am a man, built of brawn and grit!

By the time I got to my last cigarette, the table had been closed to all other players but me, the drinks weren't going down as fast and the head could barely hold up, I bowed in defeat with a $5 chip left in front of me. The black 100s, the pretty pink and green 25's and the bullion of 5s had all gone back to their comfy little tray in front of the waddler. I tossed her the 5 and said have a good one. She pursed her lips and gave me the look of disgust like she was starring at her son who did nothing with his life and is a lift operator at Mt. Rose.

I was still grinning ear to ear and I thought my brother was going to have a heart attack the way I was betting, but we survived and got a couple Fat Burgers and headed back to the hotel around 5am. Too much fun crammed into 2.5 days put a hurtin' on me the following week, but I'll sleep when I'm 70.
A few days later I got back in the kitchen to whip up the goods again. Mel and I pieced together I nice little delight of two different styles of New Yorks, some drumsticks, homemade corn bread and green beans to tie the healthy side into the meal. Always a good dinner with Mel.

So i'll cut the chord here and say I'm headed to Tulare to watch my cousin race this weekend. Staying at the ranch tonight, but not without firing off the tee at Cinnabar Hills in a golf tournament this great Friday. That's right. I'm in the office at 5am, it's now 6:30, and I'm going to join my buddies Pearl and GA for some big timin' on the beautiful blue-green fairways of CHGC.

I'll be back with pics from the racing. Carry on.


John Faris said...

Damn that Broomhilda!

Ramblin’ said...

she is a hussy for sure.