Thursday, October 9, 2008

Care Too Much

It is with an entrenched heart that I write this latest entry and I am buggered by own self that I haven't been here lately and this is how I come back.

But it is my way of remembering.

This morning a friend and colleague's daughter took her last breath here on earth. Peyton lost a long-fought battle with a brain tumor.

This angel on earth fought long and hard, had good times and bad and there family has been outstandingly strong throughout. All my love and strength is poured out to you, the Rudd family, on this day and forevermore.

I'll make this short, but all I know or have learned on this planet is that there is only one shot here. - One chance to be the best you can be. One shot to love those closest to you and also those furthest from you. Be gentle with friends and family. Be patient, kind, respectful and loving because this is all we really have in the end. Your materials will not be there, your ego will cower, but the embrace of a loved one can cure even the darkest decent.

Rest in the arms of an angel Peyton.

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