Sunday, September 21, 2008

Good Food Leads to Good Times

Holy hook, line and sinker. The party pole was out and I was hooked this weekend. It's the end of the quarter and the job is hot right now. Lot's to do and more expected so there's need for a little R/R on the weekend. Well actually, just recreation.

I'm going to pop a plug in for Nick's on Main in downtown LG near the Bentley dealership. Nick has been a top chef in town for a while going back to Cafe Marcella and finally has his dream restaurant. And the food is hands down the best dish in town. I carried out the evening with a baby back rib appetizer and rabit entre that needed no knife. Alan and I carried on a crazy conversation about absolute awkward boobies that had me blowing pinot out my nose. A night of wine dining and good laughs at Carry's capped off the Friday.

Saturday. Well, nothing really happened on SaturDAY but at night we hooked up the lights out front and had a horse shoe tournament in the front yard. We had a couple lanterns out there, some headlamps, and a couple pro lighting fixtures that Marc brought over. We looked damn good out there.

The plan was to stay in and hermit-out but that didn't happen and we were off to the races at CB's. My new favorite waitress this month down there is Jessica. Big shout out to the beautiful lady that presented me with so many RBV's that there was no other option but to dance off the energy at the 409. And goodness gracious we did. E King and I got the gueetar out and hooked up the coffee-shop rock for a small crowd out back. I love spitten those words and had no idea I could really do anything like that until Eric brought the phat beats on the axe...again.

It was nice to see all the fresh and familiar faces out and about living it up at the red house. Buddies were being made and friendships confirmed all around. I played GolfTalk with Dadadee Deedee Dresti that had me laugh/crying and did a summer salt type roll through a moving hoola hoop in the living doesn't get much better than that. Oh and some cuties showing off there skillz.

So I gotta say it was a good weekend all around. Good job guys. I heart all your pretty little faces.

Yup that's Nate. Right there. A Nate siting.

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