Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back in the Saddle

This summer has been awesome. Hands down, chalk full, brimming with awesome and I owe it all to the holmies, the house and the plethera of vacationing that has gone on. But I seem to have gotten off my life-goal path and the last couple weeks have been spent re-aligning with my navigational beacons.
The 409 lost a legend last month when Christopher Maxwell Benson moved on to bigger and better things, but picked up off waivers was Cdub and a man among men he is. We still have a few details to kink out with getting him settled at the Red House but it's been smooth (and long) sailing for the transition. So I gotta a good pace and I'm riding high in the saddle.

Damn, do I have anything interesting to say?
The 5-0 came by the other day and presented me with a little red card with some rules and things on it. Basically the jist of this card is "I'm the kiss of death to your parties and thou shalt cease and desist all cool activities."

Well, that was Thursday and Saturday was a rip-roaring good time at the 409 but JohnnyCop didn't think so. I think we got away with one and the strategy is to shut the windows and keep Mel off the front porch. All things considered we should be fined. I mean fine. :) Mel I'm totally kidding.
Brandon B had the best time of his life. Austin some how managed a sharp picture here but was almost in as bad a shape as the guy next to him. It's always a good show when you got a guy passed out on the couch and beauties dancing on the table right next to him. American girls, ahhhh...

Brandon and Austin...Best Friends

And furthermore, Monday Night was just as fun at the house I spent the majority of the first half of the Dallas/Philly game trying to inform my good friend Shawn Sheehan that I was pulling for Dallas out of tradition and was in no way switching to his darkside. Shawn being Shawn thinkgs that rooting for a team on a one-off basis means I'm forever a Dallas fan. Negative. Shawn is clearly delusional and doesn't know himself why he cheers for Romo and the boys. The night took off into the realm of radness when Mel came over with the Yellow Fin.

First off, I forgot to mention that Curtis is running around the house in a stressball trying to move, organize, shift, build everything he can to get his room settled, so my cooking area was minized into standing in one spot and turning in a circle to go from the chopping block to the stove. SIDE NOTE: Moving and packing is probably the shitiest time ever :END SIDE NOTE It was a tight squeeze. Anyways, for those folks stumped on the hierarchy of tuna, Yellow Fin fall into the category of 'my favorite' but is one step down from Blue Fin tuna as far as sashimi goes. I whipped up a teriyaki, wasabi, ginger, chili sauce and whala! Feasted with the fingers.

Mel cooked up some slammin' chicken drums in her signature ChakaKhan sauce. I probably had 8 drumsticks and a whole side of yellow fin for dinner and a couple glasses of charnoday to smooth everything out and melt in to the couch.

As far as the State of John's Union, its gravy - tasty, smooth and good on everything. I have the best boss in the world and I'm gearing up to make the plundge into the inside sales job I have been hunting since joining EMC in August of last year. I've worked hard for this gig and I am standing at the presipous of my future. But I do that everyday, no big thang!

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