Sunday, February 24, 2013

The fish have taken over

It's been another long while but time to check in. Fly Fishing. Yes, the 10 'n 2 - Brad Pitt dreaming - story telling - fish tales... angling has taken over and I'm hooked. Most recently, the Steelhead.

One of our beloved Presidents once said All Men Are Equal Before Fish. Getting 'skunked' is just a part of the deal and it took a couple drifts to land the silver bullets but we got 'em this season. Drinks abound at La Grange in celebration and Weaverville never looked so good... Her and the toothless waitresses.

We're coming into Spring soon and with that comes a lot of blue ribbon water teaming with feisty redband Oncorhynchus mykiss a.k.a rainbow trout. Stay tuned for the next episode - Bollibokka Private Waters.

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