Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hi my name is John and I found inspiration

I have a friend and his name is Conor. He has a blog called HighFivesThumbsUp that is off the beaten path...for sure. But shit howdy if he's not my inspiration for stick with writing again. Last night was a bugger for me, not gna lie. The post prior to this can vouch for that.

Quick interlude - I just scrolled through my entire blog and it jazzed me up. I forgot how much fun I've had over the last year or so. This fucking economy and the media that fills our head with illusions of the world ending is crap. FOX news can kiss my lilly white, and other things, butt.

Okay, so back to my rad friend Conor. I'm very surprised that this story has not been told yet. Maybe because I didn't want my Dad to know that Luke and Conor hijacked his boat and sunk it. But we'll get to that part.

So we're out at Don Pedro having a yey' 'ol time. I invited LD and CK on a trip that was predominately work people. I was a bit nervouse to have the two clans meet, but have Mattooch in the car for the ride up, made the introductions much easier.

So yeah, camping camping and some more camping happened sometime in July last year. We had a great night camp firing and bending cocktails in our belly one by one until our 6-packs were no longer visible. (That's not true...our 6-packs are always visible.) Everyone had gone to bed except for Luke and Conor. Weird... Conor, I believe you've already told this story, so I'm going to flip this over to your blog and get you some pub.


Anyways, as much as I like sappy shit and my imagination. This is probably not the best place for it. While I love my girl like the earth needs the sun. I'll try to keep the love life in word documents.

Summer is upon us and it's time to go camping. I'll be calling on CK and LD for the weird table dice game soon enough, the rest of ya'll happy-go-luckies should just be read to saddle up and ride. Ride like the one eye jack of diamonds with the devil close behind...

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