Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just along for the ride. It's one hell-of-a-ride!

Ewwwww-Weeeee! It stinks in here! There's dust on everything and the door was stuck shut, but I found a hid-a-key. The bummer about it is, since I was last here, the laptop up 'n sizzled out with a final puff of smoke from the fan, and the camera fell victim to my clumsy hands. So you're going to have to roll with the typing for a little bit and we'll see if any potential visual memories find their way out of a file.

Sorry to just fall out like that with a paragraph long metaphor for a room, but it's kind of nice to be writing again.

It's April and the big hot sun is beatin' on a the worshipers in Los Gatos - the patio and cocktail seekers.

I've been helpin' out a bit more at the Car Wash and today I set up 'a room' on twitter for Capitol Premier (check it out here). You should think about joining twitter. This site is the wave of the future

side note* I used to drive around in a car, pirating internet connections and using one of 20 false e-dresses to create 'viral buzz' around our NBX product. Ahh the good days... the came theh bots.*

Anyway, and a # of 'followers' will listen to you. Damn the internet is amazing. The way we consume information is going to dramatically morph at an amazing rate and we're all just along for the ride.

Hours later and a long ways away from work. I grabbed the skate for the first time in '09 and took off down N. Santa Cruz to meet up with the homies at Willow's Patio. Sounded like everyone made some potentials over the weekend and unwiding on a beautiful Sunday afternoon with beautiful people brings everything back to zero. It was one hell-of-a-ride for an April day.

(Haha, good one)

"Three 4's"

Best Nachos Ever and Best Onezzy

I'm not sure how to feel about this all... it drips...a lot.

Chinatown, SF, USA

California Academy of Science

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