Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I don't know where to begin. Recently, there has been a mental block that is stopping these wippity fingers from wrapping up and down this keyboard...but like any good athlete - play better with adversity.
I saw a commercial the other day that was all hyphy and features a skinny Santa that flew up a chimney to the roof top party then DJ'd a crowd. Now that's just wrong. Christmas is traditional, cultural, historical, and this year, unbelievable. It's Christ's Mas, weros! The dude. All robed out with big hair and a smooth presence...thanks for the holiday Christos. But seriously, no skinny Santas. Santa is fat.
And celebrate we did. It's all a bit foggy, but I think it started on a Thursday and carried through a Saturday and it had something to do with fun. According to the photos, you can see that we took some family portraits by the hearth...
After the shoot, we decided to go out and spread good cheer with the townies. So to get in the spirit, we took in some sushi and merriment. WoahMan, there is something in the air on the balcony at Kamakura 'cuz it always goes bonkers. It's a good thing we knew one of the 3 tables seated upstairs 'cuz otherwise there might have been a hissy-fit thrown somewhere. But since we did know a table, and made a small attempt to communicate with them, there was no way the other two groups or dates were going to say something about the display going on at table 9.

Upon exit from our raw refreshment. Marc accidentally left the front door open and a sourly bald Saxon thought better to slam the door and mumble vulgarities at us, rather than politely ask to close the door. This turned into 6 saucy 27's pointing and laughing at a 40+ while he gives us the bird... you know, the finger? oh I'm sorry, I hate it when it does that... Emil did the 40 a favor and went next door, purchase a sack of the sourest candies and plopped the bag down on the wastoids table. What an embarrassing rest of the meal he had. And how bout his date?

"Sorry 'bout yer dude."

So to the streets and a stream of holiday revelers...


So there are no pictures from CB's. There's just not. But it wouldn't be complete with some wine events at the house. I mean, it is Christmas and all, so we should celebrate this blasted thing, right?

And as men, we wanted to celebrate...

I mean. That thang's good.

So it was a pretty good time, I have to say, you know? So We'll tie it up here and think about all the good times that we just through down.

And we went to the Oracle with Dono, JD, Tyler and myself...10th row...

Saw Souldja Boy...

Went to Berkeley, picked up the fantastic Sam at the dorms, and went to The Graduate for a drink... Tyler went for a couple...

Crossed the Bay Bridge...

Sat 4th row with Mel at the 5-4 hockey game vs. the Blues. I hate the Blues...


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